Saturday, June 30, 2018

Digging Deeper into Shakeology

Shakeology's marketing tag line is "Your Daily Dose of Dense Nutrition". What exactly does that mean?

Well, firstly Shakeology is NOT a protein drink. It is so much greater than that. Yes, protein is part of the Shakeology ingredients but there is so much more. Shakeology is packed with 70 Super Foods.

Hold up. What exactly does "Super Foods" mean? If you google "Super Foods" countless articles immediately pop up from a variety of sources. I chose a reliable source in the American Heart Association and they state "Super Foods" is basically a marketing term, however, there are indeed some foods that are "super", meaning more nutritionally dense than other foods. However, eating one of two "super" foods on top of a poor diet does not magically make one healthy.

Here's another article from a reliable magazine regarding Super Foods.,,20475957,00.html#eggs-0

And another:

Last one:

Wait, what?? You can't eat all these foods on a daily basis? You fear your grocery bill will sky rocket?? Ya, me too.

Check out this quick 2 minute marketing video that is funny and very educational from BeachBody which features one of their original Super Coaches, Tony Horton.

The video is a bit dated as the number of Shakeology flavors has tremendously expanded, but the information about the ingredients holds true.

So which Super Foods are in Shakeology? The latest count is 70, yes 7-0, super foods!

The Premium Protein and Amino Acids - Whey, Pea, Chia, Quinoa, Flax, Sacha Inchi, Rice, and Oat Protein
Antioxidants and Super-Fruits - Caco, Whole Coffee Fruit, Camu-Camu, Acerola Cherry, Bilberry, Lycium Berry (Goji Berry), Green Tea, Luo Han Guo, Pomeegranate, Rose Hips, Vitamins A, C, and E
Phytonutrients and Super-Greens- Moringa, Matcha, Chloreela, Spinach, Kale
Adaptogenic Herbs and Botanicals- Ashwagandha, Astragalus, Cordyceps, Maca, Maitake, Reishi, Schisandra, Chaga
Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Fiber - Yacon Root, Chicory Root, Bacillus Coagulans
Digestive Enzymes - Amylase, Cellulase, Lactase, Glucomylase, Alpha-Galactosidase, Invertase
Vitamins and Minerals - A, B6, B12, C, D,E,K2, Biotin, Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, Sodium, Thiamine, Riboflavin, Folate, Chromium, Phosphorus, Iodine, Iron

Holy Wow! That is a lot of Super Foods! Imagine trying to buy each of these Super Foods and then trying to consume them on a daily basis! Your grocery bill would be ridiculously high and you would be eating all day long!

Ok, so what ingredients are NOT in Shakeology? Artificial sweeteners, Artificial flavors, Artificial stimulants, Artificial colors, soy, or high fructose corn syrup. Yup, all the no-no's are NOT in Shakeology.

Well hot damn! So I can can get in all these super foods without the no-no's in one scoop of Shakeology? Wow!! Well, or you could take 5 trips through a totally amazing salad bar. There's that option.

What does drinking Shakeology every day do to one's body? Essentially three things. You ready?
1. Build Immune system
2. Reduces Inflammation (#1 cause of disease is internal inflammation)
3. Repairs GI Tract by making one more regular, digesting the food better, and absorbing the nutrients better
That all sounds pretty impressive and remarkable to me!!

The second myth about Shakeology is that it is a weight loss shake. No, it is not. It is a Super Food shake. Did you gain extra weight from one burger? No. You gained extra weight from many, many burgers. Will you lose weight from drinking one Shakeology? No. You need to add Shakeology into your daily diet. This needs to be a life-style change. Will starting your day off drinking a Super Food shake help you on your weight loss journey? Yes!! But once you hit your weight loss goal, you will still want to drink Shakeology every day!

Who should be drinking a Shakeology?
Everyone, but more specifically:

Are you wanting to simplify your meal plan? Shakeology is for you!

Are you older and active and think the taste of Ensure or Boost is unpleasant? Replace it with Shakeology!

Are you a busy parent who doesn't have the time to sit down for a healthy breakfast? Shakeology takes a little time to make and you can drink it as you get the kids ready in the morning!

Are you a busy student or professional who is racing to get out the door? Drink a Shakeology!

Are you already a super fit person who knows all about healthy foods? Then Shakology is right up your ally!

Are you a picky-eater or know someone who is? Get in all the nutrients you need through a delicious Shakeology!

Do you choose to skip breakfast? Studies show people who eat a healthy breakfast are leaner, have more energy, have fewer sugar cravings, eat less snacks throughout the day, and have a faster metabolism so drinking a Shakeology is quick and easier AND starts your day off with a bang!

What are the Shakeology flavors?
30-Day Bag or 24 Box of Single-Serve Packets

Whey: Chocolate, Cafe' Latte, Vanilla, Strawberry, and Greenberry
Vegan: Chocolate Vegan, Cafe' Latte Vegan, Vanilla Vegan, Tropical Strawberry Vega,

There are pros and con's to getting either the 30 day bag or 24 box of single servings. The price is the same, however is you like have a variety of flavors or travel a lot, the 24 box is the same to go.

Alright Liz, you have convinced me that replacing a meal with Shakeology is the smartest bet for my health, now what is the cost? The cost of a 30-day bag or 24-day single-serve packets is $129! Pretty much a steal based upon the quality and quantity ingredients you are getting! Thinking "ouch, that's still a bit high"? No worries, sign up to be a BeachBody coach for $17 a month and you'll receive a 25% discount on ALL product, making your Shakeology's $100 a month! Get three friends signed up too and your commissions pay for your bag! Military? There's a military discount that waives the $17 monthly business fee! Pretty sweet deal all around!

Ready to order?
Comment below, go to my business page or check out my Facebook page.

How to make your Shakeology?
Check out the video I posted my my Facebook page, check out or for recipe ideas!

The biggest takeaway from this post? The marketing tagline is correct! Shakeology is truly a daily dose of dense nutrition that should be added to your daily diet as a lifestyle change to help build your immunity, lessen internal inflammation, repair your GI trait, all the while, increasing your energy and decreasing your junk food cravings!

Digging Deeper into Shakeology, Part 2 - Premium Protein and Amino Acids

Digging Deeper into Shakeology, Part 3 - Antioxidants and Super-Fruits

Digging Deeper into Shakeology, Part 4 - Phytonutrients and Super-Greens

Digging Deeper into Shakeology, Part 5 - Adaptogenic Herbs and Botanicals

Digging Deeper into Shakeology, Part 6 - Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Fiber

Digging Deeper into Shakeology, Part 7- Digestive Enzymes

Digging Deeper into Shakeology, Part 8- Vitamins

Digging Deeper into Shakeology, Part 9- Minerals

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