Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Girl Scout Law - Considerate and Caring

Previously, I've discussed what I have done as a Girl Scout Leader to teach my Daisy's the Girl Scout Promise, and two pieces of the Girl Scout Law: Honest and Fair and Friendly and Helpful. This week, I will share what I have done for Considerate and Caring.

Considerate and Caring is a fun part of the Girl Scout Law to teach the Daisy's. There are so many activities one can do and books you can read to them to reinforce this part of the Law.

One year I read "Have You Filled my Bucket Today" and we talked about all the ways in which one can either fill or dip another person's bucket. In fact, one meeting this year, the girls were quite out of hand and not being respectful and I just happened to have this book in my bag so I stopped what we were doing and read this book. I had real-time examples of ways to fill and dip one's bucket!

The after school center we use for meetings actually has a wall dedicated to pictures of the after school kids and little buckets so people can leave messages with their friends! This would be a wonderful idea to replicate for your troop!

Another year I read "The Kindness Quilt" and then the girls created their own little quilt patches that showed examples in which they had been kind to others!

As a multi-level troop, I cannot devote full meetings to Daisy petals so I will host Daisy Days at my house. This year the activity I did to teach Considerate and Caring I borrowed from one of the Girl Scout Facebook groups I am on.  Some of my parents and I wrote adjectives on a post-it notes on a poster board. Some examples were lines from the law, Strong, courageous, friendly, and helpful, with other positive adjectives, such as funny and creative. The girls had their own pieces of paper and we had them choose two adjectives for themselves. They then chose one adjective for each Girl Scout sister. Then I as the leader choose an adjective for each girl. The goal is to teach kindness and being supportive of others. Some of the girls were surprised with the adjectives others gave them.

The field trips that I shared last week for Friendly and Helpful could certainly apply to Considerate and Caring. Visiting a Senior Center or animal shelter definitely qualifies being considerate and caring as does making cards for others. A wonderful organization for making cards is color a smile.

Considerate and Caring is definitely one of the "easier" petals to teach your troop! If ever in doubt, I encourage you to peruse Pinterest as there is a wealth of information out on that site!

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