Friday, April 6, 2018


Happy Friday Friends!

I recently learned the term tree-breathing and have just embraced it as I love to be surrounded by trees! One of my most favorite sounds in the whole wide world is the sound of the wind going through the leaves!

In typical Liz fashion, I have flip flopped the term tree-breathing as it's actually "forest-bathing". Same difference!

Buttercup and I were able to go tree-breathing today on our weekly walk! We ventured down a path we hadn't taken before which is always so very exciting. My morning walks with Cosmo are the same every day so it's nice to have new sites to see. Buttercup flat out refuses to walk the neighborhood with me. I tried taking her to the drainage easement behind our house thinking she would enjoy the new smells but she was not having it! Buttercup does enjoy going on walks with me if it involves getting into the car. I always treat her with a puppy-whip from Starbucks afterwards!

While on our walk, I enjoyed seeing some massive trees. Now I don't claim this idea as my own and I don't know where I heard it from, but I like looking at trees and thinking about how there are like people, in that the person is the base of the tree, and the thicker branches as close friends and family and smaller branches are not as close friends, and the little limbs at the end are acquaintances or people you meet in passing. The idea being that everyone plays a role in your life and there is a reason for every one you meet. I was sharing this idea with Grace and Caroline and I said, "That big old tree would be like Oprah"! Maybe the little saplings are new people. Who knows? But I like thinking about it when I see enormous trees.

Enjoy your Friday and I hope you are able to get some tree-breathing in this weekend!

If you feel so inclined, please share my blog with others!

Many thanks!

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