Monday, April 23, 2018

My early morning walks!

I am a walker! I love walking! It's my favorite form of exercise! I have tried running before but I swear my feet are made out of concrete, as can be witnessed by my super smooth dance moves! All shoulders and hips, baby!

Anyhoo, I have always enjoyed walking and ever since I got my fit bit, I strive for 10,000+ steps a day and most days I do. I am always moving and on the go. Especially now that I am no longer tied to a desk, I like to be out and about.

Once I had my epiphany in August (see my Health page for more information), I decided I need to get up early so I could start my day with a walk. Being in Texas, I need to get up super duper early so that I can walk with my dog before the sidewalk hits up too much and burns his little paws.

To ensure our morning walks are enjoyable, I purchased both dogs LED light up collars so that other folks can see us as it's still dark when we are walking.

I also bought the dogs harnesses to be more comfortable than the regular around the neck collar. These harnesses are the best thus far as Cosmo is super squirelly and has maneuvered his way out of collars and harnesses before to get to other animals. 

I have my doggie poop bags which are an absolute must!! And I am confident I am preaching to the choir here, but if you are going to pick up your dog's poop, put the poop bag in the trash! Don't just leave it on the sidewalk or to the side of the trail! Nothing chaps my hid as much as happily walking along and seeing a full poop bag just sitting there! Errrrr! 

I use my super cool over the shoulder bag to carry my poop bags, phone, keys, etc.

Happy walking!

 Cosmo patiently waiting to go on his morning walk!

 Buttercup out tree-breathing with me!

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