Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Still Alice by Lisa Genova

Want to experience Alzheimer's? "Still Alice" by Lisa Genova is gut-wrenching. The level of detail she provides in the destruction of one's brain by Alzheimer and effect on the family is spot on! I read this book a few years ago in anticipation of watching the movie and both the book and movie, especially Julianne Moore's performance, blew me away.

Dad was still alive at this time and living in the first memory care and I remember thinking, "man, I wish I was more patient with him". I mean, I know I was patient with him. I was a good daughter to him. But I wish I was more patient.

Dad really handled himself with such a level of grace considering everything he was going through. Dad was a smart, curious man who who was actively engaged and interested in life. He knew his brain was failing him and it was painful to watch.

So my advice to anyone who is on this Alzheimer's journey, and I reminder to myself as I am experiencing it again with Mom: be kind, be patient. They aren't trying to be difficult when they are struggling with word finding or asking the same question over and over again. We must remember the person beneath the disease. They are there. Sometimes it's difficult to find them, but they are there.

Deep breathes my friends!

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