Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Strong and Courageous Women Tea

Yesterday was our third annual Strong and Courageous Women tea with my Girl Scout troop!

At the beginning of every meeting we read about a strong and courageous women usually through "Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls" or another picture book devoted to one woman.

My goal with the reading about a strong and courageous women every meeting is to introduce the girls to a woman that overcame obstacles in her life to achieve amazing things! I want my girls to have a variety of amazing women to look up to for inspiration. I want them to know there are other women in the world that have conquered their own personal tests. I want the girls to feel empowered by those around them and not to feel isolated by their fears or differences or challenges.

The purpose of the tea is to give the girls the ability to showcase a strong and courageous woman of their choosing. It's awesome to hear who they have chosen and why. Sometimes it's a well known woman such as Helen Keller or Jane Goodall. Sometimes its a mom or an Aunt. Regardless of who they have chosen or why, hearing them present is beautiful.

I also host the Tea to give the girls an opportunity to practice their public speaking skills in a safe environment. We all know public speaking is the number one fear of adults and I want to ensure my girls do not have this fear. We provide a safe, loving environment for the girls to speak. They are heard and honored by their fellow Girl Scouts sisters and family members.

The level of presentation and public speaking is definitely age appropriate. As the girls are getting older, the expectations are increasing. I expect a kindergarten Daisy's presentation will be much different than my 5th grade Junior.  What is beautiful to observe is the growth over the years.

We also have a potluck during the Tea which is always a fun element to the meeting.

The Strong and Courageous Women Tea is one of my favorite meetings of the year and I look forward to watching the girls grown into their own strong and courageous women!




  1. What an awesome idea and so sweet! Looking back, I feel like I had a lack of female role models to choose from. I always, unfailingly chose Amelia Earhart for every project about women. I'm glad you're helping them see that strong women are all around.

    1. Hi Christine! Thank you for your post! My lack of knowledge of positive female role models is exactly my motivation to have this tea with the girls! I think this could be a great service unit event!
