Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Girl Scout Law - Honest and Fair

Last week I posted about how I reviewed the Girl Scout Promise with my Daisy Girl Scouts. This week I will share the books and activities we used to learn about the Honest and Fair petal.

As I shared, I don't love the Daisy Guidebook flower stories, so I don't use them. Instead, I use a variety of picture books and activities to teach the girls about the Girl Scout Law.

Each petal can easily be accomplished within one meeting. I did try to follow up with the girls with a homework sheet asking them to give me examples of how they experienced the Law in action, but I wasn't the best at following through, so I stopped.

Honestly, every meeting starts with the Girl Scout Promise and Law, so the girls are getting exposed to the Promise and Law every single meeting. I try to take real life examples to highlight the specific lines of the Law as well.

For two years, I had an entire meeting devoted to the review of the Girl Scout Law and assigned each girl a line of the law to review. My parents don't particularly care for homework so there wasn't very much participation. If you do have parents in your troop who will support homework, then this is an excellent way to reinforce what they learned throughout the year.

My strategy to teach the girls the different lines of the Law is to read a picture book and complete an activity. Some lines of the Law were more difficult to find corresponding books and crafts than others. Some parts of the Law line up perfectly with a field trip! Pinterest is your friend for activities!! Type up whatever line of the Law you are teaching and bam - tons of ideas will appear!

For Honest and Fair, I read "Edwurd Fudwupper Fibbed Big" one year and "The Empty Pot" the next.

Coloring sheets are also your friend with the Daisy Girl Scouts. Having the girls colored their sheets pre-meeting while others are arriving is great. Last week I shared with your the amazing Super Girls from which I just love! There are countless other coloring sheets you can use as well!

The activity I did to teach Honest and Fair  was to give each girl some goldfish snacks. Some girls got more than others and I made a big deal out of this as I was pouring it. I let the girls grumble and groan and after everyone had received the snack, I asked if that was "honest and fair"?? "Nooooooo" the girls said! "How would this be honest honest and fair?" I asked. "If everyone got the same amount of snack", they responded. "Great! Now give me some other examples of being honest and fair" I said.

As a Daisy Girl Scout Leader, I was petrified. I didn't know what to do and I was so overwhelmed. One of the Girl Scout lines of the Law is "Use your resources wisely", well I say Pinterest is a great resource! No need to reinvent the wheel. At the end of the meeting, do the girls understand what "Honest and Fair" means and can they give you an example? Great! Petal earned!


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