Monday, August 27, 2018

Phelan Phamily Pfun Day - Marvel Universe Live

We started our Phelan Phamily Pfun day at Scholz's Garden. As a Army brat who grew up in Germany, I've always wanted to go to this restaurant! Finally we were in a good position to do so and it did not disappoint! The JÄGERSCHNITZEL and SPÄTZLE were delicious! The giant pretzel (it was huge) was yummy too! We'll be back!

For those who know Jon, he is a big Marvel fan. Not your typical comic book fan, but like legit, legit fan. Like I bought him a signed Stan Lee Deadpool poster for his 40th birthday, Marvel fan. Jon also has TWO, count'em TWO Captain America shields and Thor's hammer (Yes, I know it has a name), among many other collectibles. So, the Marvel Universe Live was more for Jon and the girls. 

I am not that fan. I am the fan who enjoys the movies but honestly, cant really keep up with all the intricate details. I probably show have made this a Father/Daughters date, but alas, here I was. 

We got alright seats and could see all the action. There were more heroes and villains than I could count. I was introduced to a new hero, Iron Fist. Jon shared that Iron Fist and some other character have their own show on Netflix, so he wasn't new to Jon. The flashing lights and theater fog and flying about and motorcycle tricks were entertaining. My favorite part was the fire show. 

So as a grumpy old, not really into Marvel, I lost interest a few times. I had to remind myself to pay attention. As a young kid, I can't imagine how cool and fascinating they thought everything was! Grace even commented she enjoyed the show mid-way through. 

For me, the coolest part was that my face made it on the big screen!

Overall, yes I would recommend the show to Marvel enthusiasts and young children as that is their target audience! The show is 1:45 hrs start to finish so even if you aren't thoroughly engaged in the show, at least it's short!

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