Friday, September 28, 2018

Strong and Courageous Woman: Tara Westover

Do you know who Tara Westover is? I sure did not until my sister friend recommended the book "Educated" for our September book club meeting!

I quickly discovered who Tara Westover is and I just love her story. Why? Because this woman has some serious spunk and grit!

Tara was raised in Idaho by a father who was very anti-government, which included public education, and anti-modern medicine. Anti-public school would be fine if Tara had received home schooling, but she did not. After some serious trials and tribulations, which I shall not give away, because I want you to read the book, Tara makes her way to BYU. It is here that Tara discovers how truly ignorant she is. I said ignorant, not dumb. Tara is definitely not dumb. Tara quickly learned that there was a lot about life and history and the world she did not know (hence the ignorance). I believe her desire to learn as much as she possibly could is part of what encapsulates her strength and courage. It would have been very easy to wallow in her ignorance and not grow and learn, but she did. She focused her energy and efforts in learning.

I highly encourage everyone to read this book. There are some definite similarities to "The Glass Castle" by Jeanette Walls in regards to the poverty both women experienced. Also, both women have the similarities in getting themselves out of poverty through education, hard work, and determination.

Either book would be a great way to spend the weekend! Curled up in bed with an amazing book! Although reading about these women and their raw determination might motivate you to tackle some long overdue project. Win/win either way!

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